At Datitude, our Development Team has been working hard to launch the latest, new and improved version of our Application, known as Alpha. Many of our users have been trialling this new software and have given us brilliant feedback (especially the game changing match-back tool – read on for more about this)
Whilst we usually launch new features seamlessly into the existing software framework, this latest version of the Application has been built from the ground up using an entirely new framework. We’ve done this for a couple of important reasons:
the new framework is highly scalable to support growing data volumes, and;
it gives us access to an extensive collection of modern code libraries which helps to reduce development times, meaning we can roll out more features more quickly.

The Application has become so much more than a tool for extracting data.
The Extract Tool which has been enhanced to make it even simpler to use and faster to work with.
We introduced Report Builder, a super easy-to-use tool to build your own reports. You have access to a variety of data sources, configured to include all fields available in that data source. Once created, reports can be downloaded in PDF or CSV format and saved to your library for your personal use, or for all users.
The new CRM module includes a Customer Value Map, the Match-Back tool and the Contact Manager.
The Customer Value Map brings your segments to life, with a visual heat-map of your current customer database and movement between cells over time.
The Match-Back functionality has been brilliantly received by our clients. Very simply, it allows you to match a list of customers or orders to your database. Our users are finding the tool incredibly time saving, with use cases including:
Looking up an individual customer to see their order history
Auditing affiliate claims for customer acquisition to ensure invoices from third parties aren’t inflated
Identifying customer contact details from a list of delayed orders so that Customer Services can proactively communicate with them.
The Contact Manager is a major new feature, with an easy to-use search form to find any Customer or Prospect in your database and understand the history of their relationship with you. It tells you everything a customer has ever ordered, lifecycle and segmentation status, campaigns received, and even how they compare to your average customer. You can explore which other systems contain their data, and the event log of when and how they have subscribed and unsubscribed from marketing communications.
New features include suppression management, self-service GDPR data deletion, subscription (email and DM) management, and more. We’ll keep you posted!